You Can Succeed

From Terry Phillips [terry[at]], CBS Radio, Detroit, Michigan

I remember back in college, now a small branch of Texas A&M in Commerce, the head professor Dr. Sanders sitting me down my freshman year. He told me because of me being Dyslexic -- and thus not being so great at the time at reading copy cold -- that “I would never make it in radio, because I would never be any good at production.” Just a couple of years later while working part-time in Dallas -- you know, the total crap shifts -- but damn lucky to be there, Buzz Bennett mentioned that as much as I hung around production, paid attention to everything that Brian Wilson and Aubry Hayden did, and messed around in their rooms when they were out, I would either be a great prod guy, or Program Director.

Well, the last 10 years of being Creative Services Director for WYCD and WOMC in Detroit for CBS Radio... I think I may have at least gotten better with my reads. LOL.

The lesson is, if you have some talent, and a TON of passion... you can succeed!



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